The Tate Modern & Other Inspo

It’s always amazing to me how much one can fit into a week. I’ve been here over just 10 days and have had my mind blown by just how much I’ve seen. The scenery, the smells, the people, and best of all, the art continually reminds me I’m in another world.  

I lucked out and had a week straight of sun my first 7 days, so a lot of walking was had. I crossed Tower Bridge and took the obligatory photos of the Tower of London, which to modern standards, feels more like a fort and less like the towering giants we come to build today. 

By far, my favourite museum so far has been the Tate Modern. I nearly cried walking in to an original Meredith Frampton “Portrait of a Young Woman”. To my surprise, she was much larger than I imagined she would be. Stand-outs for me were all the surrealist art, Nan Goldin’s photos, Yinka Shonibare’s British Library, and Ellen Gallagher’s quirky mock up’s of old ads (pictured below). Feeling extremely grateful to experience all of this in person! I could get lost in that museum and mark my words, I will again.

The week fluidly made it’s way into weekend nightlife with a Montreal ex-pat and extremely talented dj, my gal pal Heidy. We were transported back to 2008 La Rockette and danced like mad. I spent the next morning in foodie heaven at the Maltby Market. Street food from around the world, tucked away in an adorable alleyway. Also I found the trench coat. I had been saying for weeks that I would wait to buy one here and it’s happened.

Needless to say, I’m enjoying my time here immensely and look forward to the job hunt that will come with my desire to stay in this city. In the meanwhile, I’m heading off to Edinburgh tomorrow in hopes of fresh air and come what may.  



Time to revive the blog!

I cannot promise anything but I will do my best to update as often as possible. After 2.5 years in Toronto, I’ve taken the leap to London. While Toronto has been an excellent stepping stone, I’m very excited to have something to really write home about.

Today I’m sitting in a nice little organic coffee shop off Commercial in East London. The soundtrack is off the hook for a Monday morning and I couldn’t be more thrilled. This town definitely has a great vibe. It’s old world meets new world: patchwork sidewalks, colourful alley ways, brick and glass. Walking around feels like the equivalent of learning to brush your teeth with the opposite hand.

While I have no idea where I’m going to fit into the whole equation this early in the game, I am very much at ease. Bouts of déjà vu and little miracles serve as perpetual encouragement to keep right along.

Secret Society Of The Second Born Royals

After 4 months of endless days of sketching, sourcing, fitting, stitching, shooting, here is a glimpse into the first original movie made for the Disney+ streaming platform. I had a blast assisting NYC Costume Designer Liz Vastola making our vision a reality. Very proud of what we achieved here. 

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